Program Summer Session - Module 2
Connections, Stability & Installation (19.5h)
Design of timber connections: Design of connections with dowel type fasteners, design principles, minimum distances, issues to avoid in the design methods.
Speaker: Dr. Eng. Daniele Casagrande, CNR IBE (2.5 h), Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa (2.5 h), Eng. Riccardo Fanti, CNR IBE (1.0 h)
6.0 h
Stability of members and structures: Beam and column buckling, verification and design solutions
Speaker: Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa
2.0 h
Tapered beams, trusses, frames and bracings: Calculation methods, design issues and solutions, structural concepts, and deflection.
Speaker: Dr. Eng. Daniele Casagrande, CNR IBE
1.5 h
Exercise: Connection, stability, and bracings
Speaker: Eng. Riccardo Fanti, CNR IBE
2.0 h
Structural reinforcements of timber elements: Reinforcements for compression and tension perpendicular to the grain, rolling shear, curved beams, tapered beams and penetrations.
Speaker: Dr. Eng. Daniele Casagrande, CNR IBE
1.0 h
Composite floors: Types of composite floors, stiffness, connections, different uses and solutions, calculation methods and construction details.
Speaker: Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa
1.5 h
Durability of timber structures, part 1: Design of adequate connection to the ground. Details to guarantee durability of timber structures. Corrosion resistance, waterproofing and airtightness.
Speaker: Dr. Eng. Paolo Grossi, Rothoblaas
1.0 h
Case study of mass timber structures: Study of a mass timber structure, design challenges, installation methods, innovative solutions.
Speaker: Eng. Riccardo Fanti, CNR IBE
1.0 h
Fire design of timber structures, Part 1: Physical phenomenon, calculation methods, design solutions, and connection details
Speaker: Eng. Roberto Modena, Rubner Holzbau
1.5 h
Discussion and presentations by attendees: Final design exercise where the attendees carry out design of a timber structure and discuss the design choices with the rest of the group and instructors.
Speaker: Dr. Eng. Daniele Casagrande, CNR IBE, Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa, Eng. Riccardo Fanti, CNR IBE, Eng. Matteo Andreottola, Rothoblaas
2.0 h

Summer Session
22nd - 26th of July 2024 | € 1.850 Pre-booking 24th June (full price € 2.100)
The aim of the course is to offer knowledge about the wood material, the structural concept behind the design, calculation codes, design of structural elements, calculation of deflection, vibration, connections, beam and column buckling to the calculation of complex structural elements such as tapered, curved beams and trusses.
Program Summer Session - Module 1
Introductory and Basis of design (10.5h)
General Introduction: Sustainability, role of forests, forest-based circular bio-economy, potential for timber constructions.
Speaker: Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa
0.5 h
Wood Material: Characteristics, anatomy, physical and mechanical properties of the wooden material.
Speaker: Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa
1.0 h
Wood products: Description, types and grading of wood structural materials.
Speaker: Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa
1.5 h
Structural forms: Different timber structural types: balloon vs platform framing, heavy vs light-frames, domes, trusses, curved beams, and portal frames
Speaker: Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa
1.0 h
Building codes & Design Standards: Description of the various national codes and standards for timber structures: Eurocode, Canadian and American design standards.
Speaker: Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa
1.0 h
Design principles for timber structures: Safety concepts, load cases and resistance, structural conception and bracing systems
Speaker: Prof. Eng. Ghasan Doudak, University of Ottawa; Dr. Eng. Daniele Casagrande, CNR IBE
2.0 h
Design of simple structural members: Design of beams and columns for basic loading (compression, tension, shear, bending)
Speaker: Dr. Eng. Daniele Casagrande, CNR IBE
2.0 h
Serviceability limit states and vibrations: Design for deflection, stability and vibrations
Speaker: Dr. Eng. Daniele Casagrande, CNR IBE
0.5 h
Exercise: Design of beams and columns
Speaker: Eng. Riccardo Fanti, CNR IBE